</Arbelaiz.dev >


Hi, I'm Mauri Arbelaiz


My Career

What I Do

"I am a Front End Developer and Apps Developer with over +2 years of experience. I also excel in UX/UI Design. Committed to creating engaging and functional user experiences."

Front-End Development

As a Front-End Developer, I specialize in building dynamic web applications using Next.js, React.js and Angular, a popular JavaScript framework. I use Tailwind CSS and others librarys for design and styling, enabling the creation of modern, responsive user interfaces. I also have experience in building Single Page Applications (SPA), offering a seamless user experience by rendering parts of the application on the client side. My goal is to create efficient, scalable, and maintainable applications.

App Development

As an App Developer, I build and test applications using Swift for iOS, Kotlin for Android, and cross-platform frameworks like Flutter and React Native.

UX/UI Design

As a UX/UI Designer, I use observation and feedback methodologies to understand user needs. I use Figma for wireframes and prototypes, and Illustrator and Photoshop for details.


  • Freelance Front-End Developer & UX/UI Design   @Arbelaiz.dev

    2022 - 2024 | Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Developing responsives websites for clients, also working as a UX/UI designer, with all tecnologies related to the Front-development

    - HTML - CSS - JavaScript - React - Tailwind CSS - SASS - Figma - GitHub - Angular - Next JS - MUI - Boostrap - Typescript - Astro - Figma - Vite - Photoshop - Illustrator

  • Owner   @M Arbelaiz Catering

    2019 - 2024 | Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Owner of a catering company, also developing as a private chef, offering gastronomy classes both online and in person, Wine pairing events featuring garage wines, for the province of San Juan.

    - Team management - Customer service - Menu design - Cost control - Purchasing Inventory management - Team work

  • Head Chef   @Madero Tango

    2018 - 2020 | Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Head chef for this renowned gastronomic tourism venue in Buenos Aires, overseeing the evening shift with more than 300 covers and managing a team of 20 people.

    - Team management - Team work - Leadership - Creative

  • Chef   @BESTIA

    2018 - 2019 | Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Chef in charge of smoked meats at this prestigious restaurant in Buenos Aires.

    Decision-making · Handling pressure · Teamwork · Creative work

  • Head Chef   @The Pick Olivos

    2017 - 2019 | Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Head chef of this beautiful restaurant in the tourist center of Olivos, advertised by Jeep, Evian, and other top-tier brands. Chef in charge of events and daily night shift services.

    Decision-making · Handling pressure · Teamwork · Creative work - Team management - Team work - Leadership

My Projects

About Me

I am a Front End Developer and UX/UI Design. Im study Full Stack Developer & Cybersecurity. I am passionate about technology and I am always looking to learn all to this tecno world. I love to create and design new things. I am a very creative persand responsable person. I am always looking for new challenges and I am very good at working in a team. I am a very curious person an I am always looking to learn new things.


Since I was a child, I had access to videogames, starting with Pokemon on Game Boy and Super Nintendo. As I grew older and gained access to a PC, I realized that it was not just a platform for gaming but also a tool for studying and delving into the inner workings of the products we see. I love animals, am passionate about video games, music, spending time with family and friends playing games online, the cold weather, the Patagonia and using food as a focal point for gatherings and hospitality. My journey from gaming consoles to programming opened my eyes to the multifaceted capabilities of technology. I'm not just a developer; I'm someone who appreciates the intersection of creativity, technology, and the joy that both bring to our lives